Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /home/wwwroot/ on line 3 zd床单折叠机-产品展示-伊耐净洗衣店加盟-干洗店连锁加盟-干洗业


产品展示当前位置:网站首页 > 产品展示 > 折叠机系列 > 床单折叠机


发布者:admin 发布时间:2015-12-22 转自: 阅读:892次 【


技术参数Technical parameters

型号 model
项目 item
单位/unit QD-3000V QD-3300V
最大折叠长×宽 Max folding (L ×W) mm 3300×3000 3600×3300
最大折叠次数 Max number of folds   5 5
折叠速度 Folding speed m/min 10-50 10-50
压缩空气压力 Compressed air pressure MPA 0.7 0.7
压缩空气耗量 compressed air m3/min 0.2 0.2
额定输入功率 Rated in-put power KW 1.3 1.3
外形尺寸 Appearance
width mm 4150 4300
depth mm 2850 2850
height mm 1760 1760
整机质量 Weight kg 1600 1700

功能特点Feature and functions
●A series of ZD automatic folder Units suitable for large, medium and small gu-
esthouses, hotels, hospitals, equipment specially developed based on user's need.  It has two vertical and three horizontal fold function. It is suitable for launderette of hotel, hospitals, schools, army, laundry etc and it is the idea folding equipment.
●Transmission system with a fabric sp-
eed control and precise positioning can accurately determine length of the fabric and calculate the fold length. Have high accuracy of fold .
●Two independent drive motor controll-
ed by VFD, having the function of adjust-
ing steeples folding speed within 50m/min and can match all types of ironing machines.
●Highly intelligent LCD touches screen operating system. Dynamically display
working condition of the machine. User can compose procedures according to their needs.
●With standardize differentiate protection and alarm of fold, ensuring high-quality folding effect.
●Complete self-diagnosis function and safety protection system facilitate the daily use and maintenance of the machine.
●Function of electrostatic elimination put an end to cloth curling up, wrin-
kle etc, and effectively improve the quality of folding and increase reliability and stability of operation.



伊耐净干洗店加盟 版权所有 联系电话:02036743152/36743661 传真:020-36743229-801 邮箱
地址:广州市白云区嘉禾街鹤边路地段白云三线6号楼伊耐净商厦 邮编:510075
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