Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /home/wwwroot/ on line 3 qz-42手动万用干洗夹机-产品展示-伊耐净洗衣店加盟-干洗店连锁加盟-干洗业


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发布者:admin 发布时间:2015-12-22 转自: 阅读:966次 【

技术参数Technical parameters

参数内容 parameters 单位/unit QZ-42
蒸汽输入、输出口径 the steam input and output aperture inch DN15
蒸汽压力 steam pressure Mpa 0.4~0.5
蒸汽耗量 steam consumption Kg/h 15
抽湿口径 wet pump diameter inch 50
压缩空气口径 compressed air diameters inch 3/8”
空气耗量 air consumption mpa 0.9
整机净重 machine net weight kg 325
包装净重 packing gross weight kg 371
外形尺寸(长×宽×高) dimension(L×W×H) mm 1320*1100*1220
包装尺寸(长×宽×高) package size(L×W×H) mm 1440*1180*1420

功能特点Feature and functions
●A hand pulling and pedal operation, the lower clamping surface of the steam and smoke wet by  the pedal operation.
●High quality pneumatic components are made ​​in the USA, strong and reasonably stable gas path design, die design unique technology for more accurate parts. Patented formula steam, and let the whole appearance of clean, warm-up time of only five minutes. Equipped pontoon trap, excellent festival steam effect.
●Litter laying reasonable method, and then thick thin clothing, uniforms and even brass buttons when hot, it will not damage clothing and buttons, ironing satisfactory quality.
●U.S. NOMEX material temperature and high temperature cotton cloth, long service life.
●Top aluminum casting, the use is more convenient. Oil free bearing. Aluminum plate, the use is more convenient.
●The basic forming a weld is little, not easy to deformation, stable movement.
●The advantages of the two cylinder with high efficiency for a long time, less wear. The oil buffer, opening die head and closed smooth, reduce noise and vibration.
●Large clip hot parts, color code button, easy to use.



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地址:广州市白云区嘉禾街鹤边路地段白云三线6号楼伊耐净商厦 邮编:510075
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