Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /home/wwwroot/ on line 3 抽湿机-产品展示-伊耐净洗衣店加盟-干洗店连锁加盟-干洗业


产品展示当前位置:网站首页 > 产品展示 > 衣物夹机 > 抽湿机


发布者:admin 发布时间:2015-12-22 转自: 阅读:987次 【

技术参数Technical parameters

项目 Item 单位/unit cs-v3 cs-v8 cs-v12
电机 motor-HP kw 1(0.75) 1.5(1.1) 3(2.2)
电源参数 electrical specs V/Hz 380V/50Hz/3 380V/50Hz/3 380V/50Hz/3
输出/输入口径 inlet/outlet-in mm 3(76) 3(76) 4(102)
直径 diameter-in mm 18.7(457) 18.7(457) 24.33(618)
高度 hight-in mm 48.82(1240) 48.8(1240) 49.8(1265)
运输重量 shipping weight-ib kg 200(90) 220(100) 333(150)

功能特点Feature and functions
●We recommend you to use Ihe Enejean DryselVacuum to match our press machines  such as QZ-42、QZ-47、QZ2-23、QZ2-23 etc. Small to medium laundry may conselve limited floor space by placing the unit anywhere on the same floor or, if necessary, in the basement.
●Features motor is equipped wilh aluminum sheel, import high quality beaning in motor cooling fan heavy-duty corrosion resistant tank assure will reduce your costs while build your profits.
●Vertical design, managing position.
●High quality motor, reduce the maintenance rate.
●Low noise, and create a quiet working environment.



伊耐净干洗店加盟 版权所有 联系电话:02036743152/36743661 传真:020-36743229-801 邮箱
地址:广州市白云区嘉禾街鹤边路地段白云三线6号楼伊耐净商厦 邮编:510075
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